Melo @ Digital Arts Cafe
Brenda @ Millstream Cottagae
Sharon @ Scrapcat's Scrap Crap
Cindy @ Cindyrelly's Corner
last night I was testing a Mega Bow action for Megadoodle and got a bit carried here is the result to share with you, I made a couple of each bow in the different papers from my Blog Party kit so I am going to share them with you, hope someone can use them..

It's a bitter cold day here and very slippery underfoot, the frost is thin on the ground but it's not thawing at all, it's dusk now and the sky looks ominous, we have been told to expect snow of our Son-in-Laws was supposed to be working in Manchester today, which is about 15 miles away from here and they have over 4inches of snow,he was unable to work as he is a builder and had to come back home, a journey of usually 15 - 20 mins took him over 3 hours! because there was a bad accident on the "Road from Hell" better known as the M6!! so bad in fact that everyone had to do a U turn on the Motorway and get off the way they got on there... I just hope nobody as seriously injured..I haven't seen any news yet..
Well that's all for me for today, I have another couple of gifts for you so pop back again soon
Here is the link - sorry it's fixed now :(
Take Care
Hugs - Linda